
class ftrack_connect_pipeline.client.HostConnection(event_manager, host_data)[source]

Bases: object

Host Connection Base class. This class is used to communicate between the client and the host.

property context_id

Returns the current context id as fetched from the host

property event_manager

Returns instance of EventManager

property session

Returns instance of ftrack_api.session.Session

property definitions

Returns the current definitions, filtered on discoverable.

property id

Returns the current host id.

property name

Returns the current host name.

property host_types

Returns the list of compatible host for the current definitions.

__init__(event_manager, host_data)[source]

Initialise HostConnection with instance of EventManager , and host_data

host_data : Dictionary containing the host information. provide_host_information()

run(data, engine, callback=None)[source]

Publish an event with the topic PIPELINE_HOST_RUN with the given data and engine.

launch_client(name, source=None)[source]

Send a widget launch event, to be picked up by DCC.


Have host connection subscribe to context change events, to be able to notify client

class ftrack_connect_pipeline.client.Client(event_manager)[source]

Bases: object

Base client class.

ui_types = [None]

Compatible UI for this client.

definition_filters = None

Use only definitions that matches the definition_filters

definition_extensions_filter = None

(Open) Only show definitions and components capable of accept these filename extensions.

property session

Returns instance of ftrack_api.session.Session

property event_manager

Returns instance of EventManager

property connected

Returns True if client is connected to a HOST

property context_id

Returns the current context id from host

property context

Returns the current context

property host_connections

Return the current list of host_connections

property host_connection

Return instance of HostConnection

property schema

Return the current schema.

property definition

Returns the current definition.

property definitions

Returns the definitions list of the current host connection

property engine_type

Return the current engine type

property logs

Return the log items


Initialise Client with instance of EventManager

discover_hosts(force_rediscover=False, time_out=3)[source]

Find for available hosts during the optional time_out and Returns a list of discovered HostConnection.

Skip this and use existing singleton host connection if previously detected, unless force_rediscover is True.


Return True if the host_connection should be considered

host_connection: ftrack_connect_pipeline.client.HostConnection


Client(user) has chosen the host connection to use, set it to host_connection


Callback, hosts has been discovered. To be overridden by the qt client


Called when the host has been (re-)selected by the user. To be overridden by the qt client.


Have host connection subscribe to context change events, to be able to notify client


Called when the context has been set or changed within the host connection, either from this client or remote (other client or the host). Should be overridden by client.


Unsubscribe to client context change events

run_definition(definition=None, engine_type=None)[source]

Calls the run() to run the entire given definition with the given engine_type.

Callback received at _run_callback()


Return matching schema for the given definition

change_definition(definition, schema=None)[source]

Assign the given schema and the given definition as the current schema and definition

run_plugin(plugin_data, method, engine_type)[source]

Calls the run() to run one single plugin.

Callback received at _run_callback()

plugin_data : Dictionary with the plugin information.

method : method of the plugin to be run

on_ready(callback, time_out=3)[source]

calls the given callback method when host is been discovered with the optional time_out


Assign the given engine_type as the current engine_type


Subscribe to topic PIPELINE_CLIENT_NOTIFICATION to receive client notifications from the host in _notify_client()


class ftrack_connect_pipeline.client.asset_manager.AssetManagerClient(event_manager)[source]

Bases: Client

Asset Manager Client Base Class

definition_filters = ['asset_manager']

Use only definitions that matches the definition_filters


Initialise AssetManagerClient with instance of EventManager


Asset manager host has been selected, fetch definition. Return False if no definitions.

resolve_dependencies(context_id, resolve_dependencies_callback, options=None)[source]

Calls the run() to run the method resolve_dependencies() To fetch list of version dependencies on the given context_id.

Callback received resolve_dependencies_callback

context_id : Should be the ID of an existing task.

resolve_dependencies_callback : Callback function that should take the result as argument.

options : The options to supply to the plugin.


Calls the to run the method

Callback received at _asset_discovered_callback()

plugin : Optional plugin to be run in the method. (Not implremented yet)


Calls the run() to run the method load_assets() To load the assets of the given asset_info_list.

Callback received at _load_assets_callback()

asset_info_list : Should a list pf be instances of FtrackAssetInfo


Calls the run() to run the method select_assets() To select the assets of the given asset_info_list

asset_info_list : Should a list pf be instances of FtrackAssetInfo

update_assets(asset_info_list, plugin)[source]

Calls the run() to run the method update_assets() To update to the last version the assets of the given asset_info_list.

Callback received at _update_assets_callback()

asset_info_list : Should a list pf be instances of FtrackAssetInfo

plugin : The plugin definition of the plugin to run during the update_assets method

change_version(asset_info, new_version_id)[source]

Calls the to run the method To change the version of the given asset_info.

Callback received at _change_version_callback()

asset_info : Should be instance of ftrack_connect_pipeline.asset.FtrackAssetInfo

new_version_id : Should be an AssetVersion id.


Calls the run() to run the method unload_assets() To unload the assets of the given asset_info_list.

Callback received at _unload_assets_callback()

asset_info_list : Should a list pf be instances of FtrackAssetInfo


Calls the run() to run the method remove_assets() To remove the assets of the given asset_info_list.

Callback received at _remove_assets_callback()

asset_info_list : Should a list pf be instances of FtrackAssetInfo


class ftrack_connect_pipeline.client.loader.LoaderClient(event_manager)[source]

Bases: Client

Loader Client Base Class

definition_filters = ['loader']

Use only definitions that matches the definition_filters


Initialise OpenerClient with instance of EventManager


class ftrack_connect_pipeline.client.opener.OpenerClient(event_manager)[source]

Bases: Client

Opener Client Base Class

definition_filters = ['opener']

Use only definitions that matches the definition_filters


Initialise OpenerClient with instance of EventManager


class ftrack_connect_pipeline.client.publisher.PublisherClient(event_manager)[source]

Bases: Client

Publisher Client Base Class

definition_filters = ['publisher']

Use only definitions that matches the definition_filters


Initialise PublisherClient with instance of EventManager


class ftrack_connect_pipeline.client.log_viewer.LogViewerClient(event_manager)[source]

Bases: Client

Log Viewer Client Base Class

definition_filters = ['log_viewer']

Use only definitions that matches the definition_filters


Initialise LogViewerClient with instance of EventManager